WhatsApp User Input Flow

In the Bot Reply section, users have already gained knowledge about creating and utilizing User Input Flows, which serve as a crucial tool for gathering user data. In this section, users can:

  • Review User Input Flow Reports: Access reports to see precisely what data their bot has collected from chat interactions.
  • Create Custom Fields: Generate custom fields that can be incorporated into User Input Flows to further tailor data collection.
  • Export and Edit Existing Input Flows: Users have the flexibility to both export and make edits to their existing input flows conveniently within the input flow settings.

The user can also create a user input flow for WhatsApp here, which they can use later on any other bot.

Create User Input Flow:

  1. Click the `Create` button to initiate the creation of a new User Input Flow.
  2. Click report button to check user input flow report.

Managing Subscriber Actions:

Click to view subscriber actions:

  1. Click on Action to unsubscribe a subscriber, pause or resume the bot reply, reset user input flow, or sync subscriber data.
  2. `Assigned Agent` lets you assign an agent for real-time communication with subscribers.
  3. Use the `Label` input field to search for and select existing labels or create new ones.
  4. Select an existing `Message Sequence` to send to the subscriber.
  5. Don`t forget to click `Save Changes` to save all your settings.

Data Preview: Click `Export Flow Data` to download User Input Flow data in .csv format.

To check data collected from Custom Fields, click on `Custom Fields`.

Click on Purchases to check on every purchase subscriber have made.

Data Export:Click `Export Flow Data` to download User Input Flow data in .csv format.

Editing User Input Flows: If you need to make changes to a User Input Flow, click `Edit`.

Click `Create` in the Custom Fields section to create a new custom field for use in User Input Flows.

Custom Fields Management:

  • Click `Create` in the Custom Fields section to create a new custom field for use in User Input Flows.
  • You can also use the `Delete` button to remove existing Custom Fields.